Before leaving for Egypt with my husband (that's why I haven't posted in so long) I got in the mood for the trip with a portrait session of the lovely Christi. She's a local bellydancer and as you can see, is stunning. Photographing dancers is always something I've enjoyed doing. It's a challenge because you want to show movement and allow them to express themselves as artists. Soon, I'll post more images with her veil and even more movement. With this shoot, Christi showed me the classic bellydance postures, and I asked her to make some minor adjustments for the camera. She's also the first person to be photographed with my new blue-to-black backdrop. It seemed the obvious choice with her costume. Look for her dancing in the Richmond area along with the ever-growing population of bellydancers worldwide!
Image Copyright 2007 Elaine Odell Church Hill Photography, LLC. All Rights Reserved.