We finished this documentary around Labor Day. It really was a labor of love.
Passion for a place: Church Hill & Richmond's East End. from Church Hill Photography on Vimeo.
Earlier this summer, residents of Church Hill and Richmond's East End met with planners, government officials, corporate leaders and human service organizations to craft a vision for revitalizing a once-vibrant commercial corridor.
This 13 minute documentary explains the "charette" process, provides historical perspective and shares the personal opinions of people who live and work in the community.
Hassan Pitts worked with me on this documentary, capturing footage and recording audio before, during and after the week of the charette. Hassan also schooled me on edting in Final Cut Pro. And years ago I thought Photoshop was a huge learning curve...Final Cut feels like your head will explode.
We're getting great feedback from folks in the community and others who are interested in planning trends like "New Urbanism". More video and multi-media projects to come!