Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mother and Son Portrait.

Here's a perfect example of how to keep the focus on the subjects of any group portrait by keeping the clothing simple. Notice the white shirts on both the mom and her son (Winifred ad Peter). Also notice the miminal jewelry and simple hairstyle. All that "simplicity" was planned and acheives a wonderful result. Instead of your eyes wandering around looking at distracting bling-bling or clothing patterns, you look at their faces and into their eyes.

Another thing we like to do with family members is let them show their love by making physical contact. That's why Peter's head is resting atop his mom's. I love seeing his little hands on her shoulders. Kinda says "family members lean on each other" doesn't it. But of course, families are all different, and what works for one, may not work for another...so we're very observant on shoots with folks' body language and physicallity. Always trying to get what feels comfortable for them considering their relationships and personalities.

1 comment:

Jennifer Young said...

Such a sweet and beautiful photo! Glad I stopped in. I need some pics. We need to talk!